The Body Firm | DPL Hair Removal – Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

DPL Hair Removal – Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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Luckily, there is a whole bouquet of options available for long-term hair removal, but then again, zeroing in on one technique might be a difficult decision. Today, the Dynamic Pulsed Light (DPL) hair removal system seems to find favour with many, and there are some sound reasons why DPL has proved to have an edge over other techniques.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” bg_parallax=”” inertia=”0.1″ bg_maps_scroll=”” bg_maps_infobox=”” bg_type=”” parallax_style=”” bg_image_new=”” layer_image=”” bg_image_repeat=”” bg_image_size=”” bg_cstm_size=”” bg_img_attach=”” parallax_sense=”” bg_image_posiiton=”” animation_direction=”” animation_repeat=”” video_url=”” video_url_2=”” u_video_url=”” video_opts=”” video_poster=”” u_start_time=”” u_stop_time=”” viewport_vdo=”” enable_controls=”” bg_override=”” disable_on_mobile_img_parallax=”” parallax_content=”” parallax_content_sense=”” fadeout_row=”” fadeout_start_effect=”” enable_overlay=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_pattern=”” overlay_pattern_opacity=”” overlay_pattern_size=”” overlay_pattern_attachment=”” multi_color_overlay=”” multi_color_overlay_opacity=”” seperator_enable=”” seperator_type=”” seperator_position=”” seperator_shape_size=”” seperator_svg_height=”” seperator_shape_background=”” seperator_shape_border=”” seperator_shape_border_color=”” seperator_shape_border_width=”” icon_type=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_color=”” icon_style=”” icon_color_bg=”” icon_border_style=”” icon_color_border=”” icon_border_size=”” icon_border_radius=”” icon_border_spacing=”” icon_img=”” img_width=”” ult_hide_row=”” ult_hide_row_large_screen=”” ult_hide_row_desktop=”” ult_hide_row_tablet=”” ult_hide_row_tablet_small=”” ult_hide_row_mobile=”” ult_hide_row_mobile_large=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]

But first, what is DPL?

It’s a technology that uses Dynamic Pulsed Light (a broad-spectrum light source) that targets the hair shafts or root of the hair. The light energy is converted to heat energy which causes the destruction of most of the root and hair shaft. This removes or reduces the growth of hair in the targeted areas considerably.

Apart from hair removal, DPL is also used for solving pigmentation and acne problems.  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” bg_parallax=”” inertia=”0.1″ bg_maps_scroll=”” bg_maps_infobox=”” bg_type=”” parallax_style=”” bg_image_new=”” layer_image=”” bg_image_repeat=”” bg_image_size=”” bg_cstm_size=”” bg_img_attach=”” parallax_sense=”” bg_image_posiiton=”” animation_direction=”” animation_repeat=”” video_url=”” video_url_2=”” u_video_url=”” video_opts=”” video_poster=”” u_start_time=”” u_stop_time=”” viewport_vdo=”” enable_controls=”” bg_override=”” disable_on_mobile_img_parallax=”” parallax_content=”” parallax_content_sense=”” fadeout_row=”” fadeout_start_effect=”” enable_overlay=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_pattern=”” overlay_pattern_opacity=”” overlay_pattern_size=”” overlay_pattern_attachment=”” multi_color_overlay=”” multi_color_overlay_opacity=”” seperator_enable=”” seperator_type=”” seperator_position=”” seperator_shape_size=”” seperator_svg_height=”” seperator_shape_background=”” seperator_shape_border=”” seperator_shape_border_color=”” seperator_shape_border_width=”” icon_type=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_color=”” icon_style=”” icon_color_bg=”” icon_border_style=”” icon_color_border=”” icon_border_size=”” icon_border_radius=”” icon_border_spacing=”” icon_img=”” img_width=”” ult_hide_row=”” ult_hide_row_large_screen=”” ult_hide_row_desktop=”” ult_hide_row_tablet=”” ult_hide_row_tablet_small=”” ult_hide_row_mobile=”” ult_hide_row_mobile_large=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]

Why choose DPL?

With various technologies for long-term hair removal such as Laser Hair Removal, Electrolysis, DPL and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) methods, what you eventually choose will depend on what you need, and the colour of your skin and hair. Here’s the low-down on all these techniques.

While all these technologies use energy to arrest hair growth, the similarity ends there. Laser is an extremely focused and intensely concentrated beam of light which offers powerful and precise results. This makes it suitable for targeting small areas of skin as in facial hair. There is a certain degree of discomfort that is experienced during the procedure, although it is minimal, due to the application of a numbing cream. However, it’s a pricey affair that may not be affordable to all.

Electrolysis works on both light and dark hair which is a definite plus. It’s also a more guaranteed form of hair removal. But the process itself is highly tedious through the insertion of a sterile needle into each hair follicle and a low level electric current that destroys the follicle. The pain factor is a big consideration because it is much more magnified than in the laser technique.

On the other hand, the IPL and DPL use a more diffuse approach, but produce equally satisfying results. Between the two, DPL is the stronger, more advanced technique that offers long-lasting results. DPL targets the black pigments in the hair, and due to the fact that its hand-held wand is bigger, it is definitely more cost-effective for treating larger areas of skin. The best part is that there is no pain, only a tingling sensation when the probe touches your skin. While IPL can only treat coarse hair, DPL uses powerful and precise laser sources to target the fine hair that tends to grow after removal of coarse hair. Being the latest technology, you have all the advantages for gently and effectively removing hair or limiting hair regrowth, especially from sensitive areas.

DPL may be undertaken by both men and women, and it’s a safe procedure that doesn’t cause any damage to your skin.  

Now that you have a clear picture regarding the various hair removal techniques, don’t wait! Grab an appointment and we’ll see you on the other side with smoother, silkier, sexier skin! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”” bg_parallax=”” inertia=”0.1″ bg_maps_scroll=”” bg_maps_infobox=”” bg_type=”” parallax_style=”” bg_image_new=”” layer_image=”” bg_image_repeat=”” bg_image_size=”” bg_cstm_size=”” bg_img_attach=”” parallax_sense=”” bg_image_posiiton=”” animation_direction=”” animation_repeat=”” video_url=”” video_url_2=”” u_video_url=”” video_opts=”” video_poster=”” u_start_time=”” u_stop_time=”” viewport_vdo=”” enable_controls=”” bg_override=”” disable_on_mobile_img_parallax=”” parallax_content=”” parallax_content_sense=”” fadeout_row=”” fadeout_start_effect=”” enable_overlay=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_pattern=”” overlay_pattern_opacity=”” overlay_pattern_size=”” overlay_pattern_attachment=”” multi_color_overlay=”” multi_color_overlay_opacity=”” seperator_enable=”” seperator_type=”” seperator_position=”” seperator_shape_size=”” seperator_svg_height=”” seperator_shape_background=”” seperator_shape_border=”” seperator_shape_border_color=”” seperator_shape_border_width=”” icon_type=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_color=”” icon_style=”” icon_color_bg=”” icon_border_style=”” icon_color_border=”” icon_border_size=”” icon_border_radius=”” icon_border_spacing=”” icon_img=”” img_width=”” ult_hide_row=”” ult_hide_row_large_screen=”” ult_hide_row_desktop=”” ult_hide_row_tablet=”” ult_hide_row_tablet_small=”” ult_hide_row_mobile=”” ult_hide_row_mobile_large=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]

Get Silky, Smooth Skin

The Body Firm offers DPL hair removal treatments at very affordable prices.

  • Non-Invasive and Safe
  • No Skin Irritation thanks to its Cool Tip Technology
  • Pain Free and Effective

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The Body Firm offers cutting-edge body treatments and quality facials in Singapore.

The Body Firm | DPL Hair Removal – Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow


the-body-frim-boutique-beauty-spa-singapore-visit-us-icon402 Orchard Road,
Delfi Orchard #01-04
Singapore 238876


Mondays to Saturdays | 10.00 am – 8.30 pm
Sunday | 10.00 am – 6.00 pm

Public Holidays | CLOSED