[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A facial promises a session of pure pampering, and fresh, glowing skin that gains you compliments. However, if you look into a spa or beauty salon menu, you’ll find yourself staring at a stressfully vast number of facials. If you’ve ever had doubts about which one’s right for you, then read on. We’ve broken it down to the basics, so you know which to choose.
Now lean in, this is important. For best results, you have to know your skin type before you pick an appropriate facial. Of course, you’ll also have to decide why you’re getting a facial – are you going out tonight? Is it to lay those skin issues to rest? Want a detox, or simply something refreshing?
Talk to your beauty therapist for recommendations that will suit your purpose.
Facials for Normal Skin
If your skin doesn’t reflect changes through the day, and your face feels radiant, then good for you! You have normal skin that could use just about any facial. Get a clean-up followed by a hydrating mask for freshness and rejuvenation.
Facials for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin
Choosing a right facial for oily skin-type can be tough, as anything from an ingredient in a product to the massaging could set off breakouts. Mud masks and clay masks are best for such sensitive skin, as they reduce the oiliness and tighten the skin.
Facials for Dry Skin
Dry skin? You need a facial that will moisturize it, leaving it soft and smooth. Harsh scrubs and heavy massages are a complete no-no.
Facials for Combination Skin
If you have dry and flaky skin on some parts of your face, and a characteristically oily T-zone, then you have combination skin. Light therapy facial is recommended for tightening pores and evening out your skin tone.
Facials for Exposed Skin
Antioxidant facials are perfect for skin that has been exposed to dust and harsh sunlight. While they fight sun damage, their anti-inflammatory properties also act towards skin firming, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and lending a glow to the skin.
Facials for Pigmentation
Dull and pigmented skin is desperately crying out for a skin-brightening facial. This facial using vitamin-enriched creams is suitable for all skin-types, brightening the skin, lightening pigmentation spots and detoxifying, for that soft, supple and glowing look.
Anti-aging Facials
Combat early signs of aging, like wrinkles, with anti-aging facials that will return your skin to their enviable taut and perky look. Using anti-aging and collagen-based products, these facials improve the tone and texture of your skin, exfoliate dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Of course, it’s so much simpler to walk into The Body Firm’s boutique and talk to us, so we can identify the most effective facial for you. So get ready to feel pampered while we breathe new life into your skin, and make you look radiant again.
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