The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

When you choose the right food for breakfast, it gives you fuel in the tank for energy that lasts. However, if you choose the wrong food, it will just do the opposite; expect mid-morning crashes/sluggishness, havoc on your metabolism, increased risk of chronic diseases and weight gain.

Here’s 7 foods that you should not be using to fuel your body in your breakfast plan.

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

Sugary Cereals

Loaded with sugar which increases your metabolism before the day has even really begun (yes, we are talking about sugar rush here!). Sugary breakfast cereals contain very low amounts of protein and fibre; meaning that you won’t feel full until your next actual meal. 

A report conducted in 2011 found that just by consuming 1-cup of cereals contains more sugar than 3 chocolate chip cookies! When we consume sugar or simple carbohydrates, the body will use these sugars as an energy source. However, once it utilizes what is needed, the rest will be stored in the form of fat. You will find yourself still snacking throughout the day to combat the insatiable hunger that your breakfast could not satisfy. 

Tip: We get that you love your cereals. If having cereal is your morning vice, opt for a lower sugar option with higher fibre count!

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

Pancakes & Waffles

A popular choice for weekend breakfast, these options have very high refined flour, eggs, sugar, and milk. It is believed that refined grains like wheat flour lead to insulin resistance and obesity. Such breakfast choices are often drizzled in syrup that contains high-fructose corn syrup. This results in inflammation that increases the body’s ability to resist insulin; leading to pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. You can consider choosing pure maple syrup as a substitute, but the latter is still high in sugar, which adds empty calories to your breakfast.

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You


Little did you know that muffins are just small cakes in disguise. Majority are made from refined flour, vegetable oils, eggs and sugar. To make it more tempting, bakeries always top them off with additional sugar icing, and chocolate chips, which further add to their sugar and calorie count.

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

Fruit Juices

Fruit juices in the market actually have very little juice and are commonly sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. This does not exclude those with the label “100% fruit juice”, as such contains a lot of sugar. Consuming fruit juices causes our blood sugar to rise quickly as there’s no fat or fibre content to help slow down absorption. This will cause a spike in insulin and drop in blood sugar, making us feeling tired, shaky and even more hungry. The negative effects of consuming high sugar level beverages are increased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and other potentially health diseases.

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You
(Cr: Eat This Much)

Bagels + Cream Cheese

Did you know that bagels are actual calorie bombs? One bagel is equivalent to four bread slices. 

Not exactly the healthiest choice as it contains simple carbohydrates, offering little fibre that keeps you feeling full and satisfied. Slathering on your favourite cream cheese does no extra justice as it’s only there to enhance the flavour. 

Tip: Try eating only half of a whole-wheat bagel, and spread it with avocado or nut butter for some healthy protein, fibre, and fat for balance.

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

Pre-mixed Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one food that offers the most nutritional value. However, this is not directly translated to pre-mixed oat packets. The latter offers less fibre as the grain is generally more processed with more added sugar for flavouring. 

Tip: Go for plain, steel-cut oats and add your own healthy toppings like fruits, nut butter, seeds and coconut to ward off hunger pangs and the desire to consume unwanted calories.

The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You

Flavoured Yogurt

Yogurt starts off as a healthy choice, just like oatmeal. When it is processed with consumer-attracting extras like flavouring, and artificial colours, it increases the sugar content and some might even contain unhealthy syrup. In its plain form, it is a good source of calcium, protein, and gut-healthy probiotics. 

Tip: Start off with a plain yogurt and add your own variety of fruits and nuts to promote slower digestion and increased satiety.

It is not a difficult step to make mindful replacements to your meals, especially the most important one in your day. By choosing the right food to start your day, it works towards your long-term plan in being healthy and provides you with the needed energy to get through your busy day.

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The Body Firm | 7 Worst Breakfast Foods for You


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