Month: April 2016

Shape Up Summer The Body Firm Singapore

Shape-Up for Summer

Swimwear season is here and it’s time to contemplate that very important question – are you beach body ready? If the answer’s yes, then super! If no, then it’s time to drop a few kilos, trim a few inches, bust some cellulite and work your way into a fabulous figure!

Eat Your Way to a Slim Summer The Body Firm Singapore

Eat Your Way to a Slim Summer

Are you ready to welcome the bikini season or are you still in hiding, unwilling to let go of that baggy sweater that does such a great job of covering those bulges?
What if we told you that there was a way you could open that door and step out in great shape? That you could eat delicious summer food and still slim down for the season? Here’s how.

Summer Ready Body The Body Firm Singapore

Summer, Set, Glow: 5 Essential Skin Tips

There’s only one way you can enjoy the summer – unselfconsciously! You can’t savour the glorious sun, the surf and the sand completely if you’re wondering and worrying about those pimples on your back, your cellulite dimples, or angry razor burns. What’s awesome is that achieving smooth, attractive skin isn’t impossible; it just requires a little prep work. Slip into your string bikini with renewed confidence with these summer beauty tips.